Zonal-time gridding

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All of the fields displayed as zonal-time sections are fields of gridded 5-Day or monthly means. The same gridding routine is used for all fields.

   First, anomalies are computed at the nominal TAO / TRITON array coordinates by subtracting climatological averages from the data means after bilinearly interpolating the climatology field in latitude and longitude to the array coordinates. In the case of 5-Day means, the climatology is also interpolated linearly in time to the data times.
   Second, both the means and anomalies are smoothed in time using a binomial (1/4-1/2-1/4) filter. Third, the means and anomalies are gridded to 5 deg in longitude using the PPLUS routine ZGRID, which uses a mixture of Laplacian and Bicubic interpolation.
The resulting field is then masked to blank out areas which are unconstrained by data.

The original locations of data at the beginning and ending of the time series are shown by the little boxes on the horizonal axes.