Item Display Status Nortek Current Meter

Mooring Depth: 8 m


Deployed Sensor

  • Serial Number: 12802
  • NDBC Property Number: 46960
  • Start Date: 4/12/2024 (13:55:29 Z)
  • End Date: Currently Active
Ocean Current Point [cm/s]     1 entry per hour
Showing data from 1/19/2025 (04:00:00 Z) to 1/18/2025 (00:00:01 Z)
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Time (in GMT) Bin Depth (m) Speed (cm/s) Direction (deg) U_Vel (cm/s) V_Vel (cm/s) W_Vel (cm/s)
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123 => good data
MM => data is determined as missing
-- => data not received/configured
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1/19/2025 04:00 7.23 16.52 229.17 -12.50 -10.80 -0.10
1/19/2025 03:00 7.23 11.04 234.58 -9.00 -6.40 -0.10
1/19/2025 02:00 7.23 16.87 208.69 -8.10 -14.80 -1.40
1/19/2025 01:00 7.24 18.82 219.61 -12.00 -14.50 -3.00
1/19/2025 00:00 7.24 29.87 213.53 -16.50 -24.90 -0.90
1/18/2025 23:00 7.24 34.62 207.53 -16.00 -30.70 0.30
1/18/2025 22:00 7.24 23.58 222.08 -15.80 -17.50 0.80
1/18/2025 21:00 7.24 22.99 226.23 -16.60 -15.90 -0.10
1/18/2025 20:00 7.24 24.78 249.44 -23.20 -8.70 -0.60
1/18/2025 19:00 7.23 26.63 251.16 -25.20 -8.60 0.10
1/18/2025 18:00 7.23 28.10 269.59 -28.10 -0.20 -1.50
1/18/2025 17:00 7.24 32.00 276.46 -31.80 3.60 0.00
1/18/2025 16:00 7.24 32.58 259.21 -32.00 -6.10 -2.50
1/18/2025 15:00 7.25 29.07 254.43 -28.00 -7.80 -0.20
1/18/2025 14:00 7.24 36.00 260.41 -35.50 -6.00 0.40
1/18/2025 13:00 7.23 36.32 272.05 -36.30 1.30 0.60
1/18/2025 12:00 7.24 26.73 275.58 -26.60 2.60 0.70
1/18/2025 11:00 7.23 33.49 265.89 -33.40 -2.40 -0.50
1/18/2025 10:00 7.22 36.70 253.54 -35.20 -10.40 -1.80
1/18/2025 09:00 7.22 35.71 268.56 -35.70 -0.90 -0.60
1/18/2025 08:00 7.22 38.50 259.07 -37.80 -7.30 0.50
1/18/2025 07:00 7.21 38.09 264.27 -37.90 -3.80 0.00
1/18/2025 06:00 7.20 40.22 258.38 -39.40 -8.10 0.20
1/18/2025 05:00 7.21 41.00 270.28 -41.00 0.20 0.30
1/18/2025 04:00 7.22 39.82 271.73 -39.80 1.20 0.00
1/18/2025 03:00 7.22 45.76 280.45 -45.00 8.30 -1.80
1/18/2025 02:00 7.25 34.30 277.54 -34.00 4.50 -1.00
1/18/2025 01:00 7.25 22.39 285.28 -21.60 5.90 0.50